Barbie From Toy Story Costume 2024 Watch Now

Barbie From Toy Story Costume 2024 Watch Now

Barbie From Toy Story Costume 2024 Watch Now see from our site. In 2024, there will be a lot of talk about Barbie stories that are loved by both children and adults, and we are going to tell you about some such stories. falls in love with and loses her voice because of it, Slipping, who, after turning 18, falls into a deep sleep from which one can wake up a lover by kissing her. And the third story we are telling is about Thumbelina, who is a girl born from a plant named Thumbelina.

Barbie From Toy Story Costume 2024 Watch Now

There are many secrets hidden in fairy tales. When they were attacked by devils in the land of bridges, a wise evil man made 21 stories about it, then told them to his students, so people mostly liked fairy tales and Barbie stories. There are children who are liked a lot by the elders. Now we will also tell you about the stories of some such villages.

1. The Little Mermaid

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This story is about Jal Pari, who is a queen in the sea. One day, a boy is driving his boat into the sea, but due to some mischief, his boat sinks. As soon as the girls see the boy, they save his life. She takes him all over the sea as if to take him out, she gives him to this handsome young man and falls in love with him, but since she is burned, she does not stay with him on land. Sakti, after much thought, goes to a witch and tells her her problem: I love someone like that. She tells him that I will give you legs, but in return, you have to give me your sweet voice. So the girl gives her voice and gets legs so that she can stay with the boy.


  • Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
  • Director: Rebecca Thomas
  • Writers: Hans Christian Andersen, Richard Curtis
  • Language: Urdu

2. Sleeping Beauty

This story is about sleeping beauty. A king and queen lived in their palace. They have a daughter. They invite everyone. They go but forget to call a magician, yet the magician goes and asks them why they were not called. She curses her daughter, saying that when she turns 18, she will be a She will fall into a deep sleep, and no one can wake her up until a handsome boy gives her a magical kiss, and she will wake up.

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And then it happened: when the girl is 18 years old, she sleeps in the whole palace; she sleeps in such a deep sleep that no one can enter this palace.  Go to Raje and take the place of Sleeping Beauty, but no one can reach her palace. Then one day, a boy who overcomes all odds reaches the girl and gives her a sweet kiss, which makes her fall in love with him.  All the palace people wake up from their sleep.


  • Genres: Drama, Romance
  • Language: Urdu

3. Thumbelina

This story is quite old. Another one who lives alone has only one animal with whom she shares her sorrows. She has no children. No, many years pass by doing the same. Now she is old enough. One day, a beggar comes to her door and asks her for something. She gives him a cake, and at the same time, she transforms into a magician. He goes and says to me, What is your wish? She says, I have only one wish, why don’t I have any children? That person gives her a seed and tells her that she should have a child.

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And he tells her that this seed should be planted in a pot with good soil and kept under the moon day and night, and when a star starts to shine, ask for your wish, and your wish will surely come true. She says that I will do exactly the same. The woman continues to do the same. The plant grows into a small plant, and flowers grow on it. So there is a little girl whom she is very happy to see, and when she thinks what to name her, she names her Thumbelina, which is also the name of this story. She is much more than him. She loves them, and one day the animals in her house make the girls disappear. After many difficulties, the girl meets her mother again.


  • Genres: Adventure, Comedy
  • Language: Hindi

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