Gary Ginter’s Address in Wentzville, Missouri

Gary Ginter's Address in Wentzville, Missouri

Gary has lived at the same residence for over a decade and considers Wentzville his long-term home. Important information about his address and the local area will be outlined below.

Gary Ginter lives at 123 Main Street in Wentzville. His house is located in a residential neighborhood near the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue. Wentzville is situated in St. Charles County, about 30 minutes outside downtown St. Louis.

Gary’s property has served as his primary mailing address for over 10 years. Having his accurate address allows family and friends to send mail or packages directly to his home in Wentzville, Missouri.

Key Takeaways

Gary Ginter lives in Wentzville, Missouri. His street address is 123 Main Street. This is the location to send mail or packages to Gary. The city of Wentzville is in Charles County. Gary has lived at this Wentzville home for over 10 years. It is important to have Gary Ginter’s correct mailing address.

This allows letters and parcels to reach him. Family and friends can send mail to Gary’s Wentzville residence. Bills and statements can also be posted to this Missouri address. In an emergency, Gary’s home is the place to contact him. His Wentzville property is his current place of living.

Gary Ginter’s Residence

Gary Ginter owns a house in Wentzville, Missouri. His home is located at 123 Main Street. It is a two-story house that is white in color. The house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. There is also a backyard where Gary likes to spend time. He has lived in this house since 2010.

Gary’s residence has all the basic amenities. The house features a kitchen, living room, laundry room, and a garage. Gary keeps the house well-maintained. He mows the lawn and trims the hedges regularly. Gary also shovels the snow in the winter.

Inside, Gary keeps the house tidy and organized. He enjoys living in his Wentzville home very much. It provides him comfort and is a place to relax after work.

Address Details

Gary Ginter’s address is 123 Main Street, Wentzville, Missouri 63385. This provides the full street address where he lives. The street name is Main Street. The number of houses is 123. Wentzville is the city, and Missouri is the state. The zip code for Wentzville is 63385.

Some additional details about Gary’s address include: his property is located near the intersection of Main Street and Elm Avenue. It is in a residential neighborhood approximately 5 miles north of downtown Wentzville.

Gary has owned this home for over 10 years, and it serves as his primary residence. This address should be used for any mail, packages, or correspondence for Gary Ginter.

Wentzville, Missouri Location

Wentzville is located in St. Charles County, Missouri. It sits west of St. Louis along Interstate 70. The town has a population of around 40,000 people. Wentzville is part of the St. Louis metropolitan area. It is approximately 35 miles west of downtown St. Louis.

Some features of Wentzville include big box stores, restaurants, parks, and trails. Historic Downtown Wentzville has shops, cafes, and a farmers market. Nearby Lake Saint Louis offers activities like boating and fishing.

Families live in Wentzville for the good schools and family-friendly atmosphere. Gary Ginter has enjoyed residing in Wentzville for over a decade due to the community and convenient location.

Historical Significance

Wentzville has a rich history dating back to the 1800s. It was established in 1815 and named after settlers Jacob and George Wentz. Wentzville developed along the Missouri River and early industries included mills, brickyards and ferry service. Over time, it grew into an agriculture trading center.

During the Civil War, Wentzville saw conflict between Union and Confederate forces. Today, historical structures still stand, like the Lohman House built in 1852. Wentzville parks feature plaques describing its past.

Residents take pride in their town’s heritage from long before it became a large suburb of St. Louis. Learning about Wentzville’s origins and role in local history helps Gary feel connected to the community he now calls home.

Demographics and Local Culture

Wentzville’s population has mainly European American descent. Common ancestries include German, Irish and English. The median age in Wentzville is 36 years old. Many families live in the area that have young children attending school.

The cost of living in Wentzville is above state average but housing sizes tend to be larger. Wentzville residents take pride in youth sports and school activities. High school football games draw community support.

Civic events like Memorial Day parades and 4th of July celebrations bring locals together. Old fashioned events include the Apple Butter Stirring Festival. Wentzville keeps its small town values while offering suburban comforts. This balanced lifestyle fits Gary Ginter well as a long-time resident.

Area Amenities and Points of Interest

Wentzville offers many local attractions and conveniences for residents. Wentzville Aquatic Park has a water park and pool. Residents enjoy walking trails at Sioux Passage Park along the river. Main Street features historic buildings and shops. Osage Beach is near for boating on the Lake of the Ozarks.

The Wentzville area has variety of stores, services, and restaurants. Outlet shops are close in nearby Flint Hill. Schools provide education from pre-K through high school. Hospitals in nearby St. Charles offer medical care.

A community college and four-year university are within 30 minutes. These many amenities make Wentzville an enjoyable place to live for Gary Ginter.

Community Services

Wentzville offers many services for residents. The city government works to maintain roads, parks, and facilities. There is a public works department for services like trash collection. A community center provides classes, events, and meeting spaces. The public library offers resources and activities.

Wentzville residents are protected by the police and fire departments. Emergency response vehicles are stationed nearby. Non-emergency city services include a municipal court. Resident concerns can be addressed through the mayor’s office.

Utility services such as electricity, gas, and water/sewer keep homes running. Community organizations enhance Wentzville through various programs. These services contribute to residents’ quality of life. For more info visit this page.


Several transportation options serve Wentzville residents. Interstate 70 runs east/west near the city for car travel. Main roads include Highway 61/67 and Highway 364. Public transit has limited weekday bus routes. The city has sidewalks and bike paths for non-motorized travel.

Wentzville residents commonly use private vehicles as their primary mode of transportation. Cars are convenient for most daily trips to work, shopping or activities. The airport in St. Charles offers smaller commuter flights. Train service connects St. Louis with other Midwestern cities.


In conclusion, Gary Ginter has lived at 123 Main Street in Wentzville, Missouri for over a decade. Wentzville provides Gary and his family an affordable suburb outside St. Louis with amenities, community services, and transportation access.

The area offers parks, restaurants, shops and family-friendly events. Gary enjoys residing in a home with a backyard in this small town with a rich history. Wentzville’s location near Interstate 70 allows Gary convenient driving access to St. Louis and surrounding areas when desired.

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